Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 18

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 18

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The most helpful favorable review
I thought it was a fairly good product. It was easy and fun to use, it was more like a kid's computer game than an adult product. Which could be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences. It did help me learn to type better I'm at 47 words a minute verses the 18 when I started. It has a Spanish language mode and even teaches you the numeric keys. So all in all I give it a 4 out of 5.

The most helpful critical review
I bot this for my 8yo daughter. She is doing great and enjoying it except for a program glitch: it doesn't advance properly - every 3rd or 4th lesson the program gives a lesson that includes all letters on the keyboard; as I saw in some reviews - you can get through the 'advanced' lesson and then it returns to a proper progression, BUT - it keeps doing this every 3rd or 4th lesson which is a real pain. Other reviews that I've looked up elsewhere (not just Amazon) say that the company acknowledges the problem but calls it 'minor'. I guess that means they don't think it important enough to fix. It is a very inconvenient problem in the program. Putting the glitch another way: you learn, say - 10 keys - then the next lesson will have all 26 letters in the lesson assuming you've learned all 26 when you've only learned 10 - you get past this lesson and it goes back to teaching you keys 11 & 12, you practice 12 keys for a couple of lessons - then the next lesson has the whole keyboard on it once again, and this repeats time and again. We're giving up and buying our 3rd typing program hoping it will work. (The first we tried, Typing Instructor for Kids - didn't advance at all - she learned the home keys and then it stayed on the home keys forever not advancing to other keys - aahh! - We just want to learn to type!). We will try "Typing Quick & Easy" this time.

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